Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University
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Analysis of the Stress Influence on Buried Pipelines under the Action of Axial Landslide

Zhang Yinan, Ma Guiyang, Wang Xiyu, Qi Chao, Zhang Chao

The freezing-thawing circulation was the most common security problems of buried pipeline in permafrost regions, and it could make pipeline generate additional stress. For the regional with the special structure of topographic, the freezing-thawing circulation would change the original geological characteristics, and caused geological disasters under certain conditions. The stress impact of the pipeline was studied generated by the freezing-thawing landslide because of the melting permafrost. The degree of influence of axial landslide with different displacement on the pipeline was analyzed. The simulation analysis showed that different forms of landslide generated a great impact on the pipelines; furthermore, the effects of stress on the pipeline had a greater impact by changing the location of the landslide. The influence on the pipelines generated by the freezing-thawing landslide were simulated and analyzed ,which could well reflect the changes in stress and provide a theoretical basis for building construction of buried pipelines in the permafrost regions.

2016, 36 (6): 20-23. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6952.2016.06.005